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What about Supartz: All Questions Answered

David Fuller

Last Updated On: June 20, 2024

While exercise and weight management remain crucial for managing osteoarthritis, a recent study published in Arthritis & Rheumatology suggests that hyaluronic acid (HA) injections offer significant pain relief and improved joint function. Supartz is one treatment gaining traction as a potential solution for knee osteoarthritis.

Supartz is a high-molecular-weight HA injection. HA, a naturally occurring substance found within healthy joints, acts as a lubricant and shock absorber. Supartz injections replenish depleted HA within the knee joint, aiming to restore its cushioning properties and alleviate pain associated with osteoarthritis.

In this article, we’ll delve deeper into this treatment option, exploring the science behind how Supartz works, discuss the typical injection process, and address potential benefits and side effects.

Key Takeaways

  • Supartz is an FDA-approved treatment for knee osteoarthritis, offering long-lasting pain relief and improved joint function.
  • It contains hyaluronic acid, a natural substance found in healthy joints, which helps cushion and lubricate the knee joint.
  • Supartz injections are typically administered over several weeks. They aim to restore knee joint function and reduce discomfort associated with osteoarthritis.

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What is This Product?

Supartz, an injectable gel made from hyaluronic acid, is a treatment for knee osteoarthritis designed to reduce pain and improve joint mobility. This clear, gel-like substance mimics natural synovial fluid, essential for lubricating and cushioning joints. 

For individuals with knee osteoarthritis, the joint fluid loses hyaluronic acid, leading to pain and mobility issues. Supartz injections aim to replenish this lost component, providing relief by restoring lubrication and support to the knee joint.

Doctors recommend Supartz for patients with knee pain due to osteoarthritis when other treatments have been ineffective. Administered directly into the knee joint, Supartz cushions and lubricates the joint, easing movement and reducing pain. 

Patients typically receive a series of injections over several weeks, with each treatment aimed at relieving pain associated with knee arthritis. Ultimately, this helps patients return to normal activities with reduced discomfort.

Frequently Asked Questions about Supartz

Supartz effectively manages osteoarthritis by relieving knee pain and improving mobility. The injection contains hyaluronic acid, cushions, and lubricates the knee joint, reducing discomfort from joint inflammation. Clinical studies have shown that Supartz benefits individuals who are unresponsive to other treatments, with results lasting over time.

This viscosupplementation therapy aims to restore hyaluronic acid levels in the knee, providing a viable option for addressing knee osteoarthritis symptoms when other methods have failed.

Ideal Patient Profiles for Supartz Treatment

Supartz treatment is suitable for individuals with knee pain and inflammation caused by osteoarthritis, especially those whose symptoms haven’t improved with other treatments. This includes patients without relief from non-pharmacologic interventions like physical therapy or analgesics. 

Additionally, it’s an option for those seeking alternatives to corticosteroid injections or oral medications due to contraindications or intolerances. When comparing Supartz vs cortisone injections, Supartz offers viscosupplementation, reducing knee discomfort and improving joint mobility for patients unresponsive to previous therapies. It’s particularly beneficial for osteoarthritis patients seeking non-opioid pain relief strategies.

Regulatory Status of Supartz

Supartz is FDA-approved for knee osteoarthritis, meeting strict safety and efficacy standards. Extensive clinical testing confirms its therapeutic benefits in managing knee pain. Its regulatory status ensures medical professionals can confidently offer this therapy to eligible patients seeking relief from osteoarthritis symptoms.

Typical Treatment Course with Supartz

Supartz is usually given as a series of injections into your knee joint. Before undergoing this treatment, reading more about the administration, dosage, monitoring, and potential side effects is essential.

Administration and Dosage of Supartz

Supartz is administered through a series of injections into the knee joint. The dosage and administration may vary based on the patient’s condition and the treating physician’s recommendation. Here’s a breakdown:

  1. Typically, Supartz treatment involves 3 to 5 injections, spaced a week apart.
  2. Each injection contains hyaluronic acid, a natural component of synovial fluid in the knee joint.
  3. The dosage for each injection is usually 2.5 ml per knee.
  4. The injection process should be carried out under sterile conditions to minimize the risk of infection.
  5. Patients are advised to avoid strenuous activities for a day or two after each injection to allow the medication to take effect.

Monitoring and Follow-up After Supartz Injection

After administering Supartz injections, it is essential to provide thorough monitoring and follow-up care to ensure the patient’s well-being and recovery. Here are the crucial steps to be undertaken:

  1. Schedule a follow-up appointment within 1-4 weeks after the initial injection to assess the patient’s response and tolerance.
  2. Conduct a physical examination and obtain feedback from the patient regarding pain levels, mobility, and any adverse effects experienced.
  3. Consider additional imaging or diagnostic tests to evaluate the treatment progress and the knee joint’s overall condition.
  4. Discuss any concerns or questions that may have arisen since the injection, ensuring comprehensive communication with the patient.
  5. Reassess the treatment plan based on the patient’s response, possibly adjusting the dosage or frequency of injections.

Potential Side Effects and Adverse Reactions of Supartz

Supartz injections may cause side effects like temporary pain, swelling, warmth, and redness at the injection site. Patients might also experience itching, irritation, headaches, dizziness, joint stiffness, or fluid build-up in the knee. While usually mild and transient, medical professionals should monitor for signs of infection or allergic reactions requiring immediate attention.


Supartz offers a valuable treatment option for patients with knee osteoarthritis who have not responded to conservative therapies. Its well-established efficacy and safety profile make it suitable for many patients. 

Healthcare providers should consider Supartz as part of a comprehensive management plan for knee osteoarthritis, taking into account the individual patient’s needs and treatment goals. Regular monitoring and appropriate follow-up care are essential to ensure the best outcomes for patients receiving Supartz injections.


1. What exactly is Supartz, and how does it work?

Supartz is a treatment injected into the knee to ease pain, especially for people with arthritis. It acts like a cushion, helping your knee move smoothly.

2. Are there any side effects I should worry about?

Yes, like most treatments, Supartz injections have some side effects. You might experience pain where the shot was given or swelling around the knee area.

3. How does Supartz compare to other treatments like Euflexxa or cortisone?

While both Supartz and Euflexxa aim to relieve knee pain by acting as lubricants, they’re slightly different in makeup. Compared to cortisone shots that quickly reduce inflammation, Supartz is a long-term solution rather than a quick fix.

4. How often do people usually get these injections?

The typical dosage plan involves getting one weekly injection over three to five weeks – but always chat with your doctor first because everyone’s knees are different!


Osteoarthritis. rheumatology.org. https://rheumatology.org/patients/osteoarthritis

Chou CL, Li HW, Lee SH, Tsai KL, Ling HY. Effect of Intra-articular Injection of Hyaluronic Acid in Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients with Knee Osteoarthritis. Journal of the Chinese Medical Association. 2008;71(8):411-415. doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/s1726-4901(08)70092-3



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